To App – or not to App? That is the question…
By Annie Ellicott Many of my clients are asking “shouldn’t we be building a mobile application”? Research from Localytics highlights the high attrition rate of new users for apps. The Localytics survey results showed that 58 percent of users “churn,” or become...

The Top 10 Marketing Tools I Can’t Live Without
In the ever changing, every evolving, revolutionary times we live in if you are a marketing professional in 2019, it is challenging to say the least just finding out about (let alone prioritizing between) the latest and greatest marketing tools. From subscriptions to...

Using Streaming Video for Masterful Marketing
The fragmentation of the media market notched up one more level as “broadcast” now embraces anyone with any number of Facebook Live, Youtube Live or other streaming apps on their phone. From the bite-sized providers of up-to-the-minute headlines from NowThisNews or...

Data, Data, Data: What’s a Girl To Do?
By Annie Ellicott Hubspot recently released their Top 20 Marketing Trends for 2013 and #14 is “Marketing Technology Evolves”. Not quite revolutionary in concept… however what the author (CTO Dharmesh Shah) points out is that with the porting and syndicating of content...

Five Favorite Tech Friends for Travel Businesses
By Annie Ellicott Editors pics! These platforms provide strong opportunities in both traffic, SEO authority and relevance for anyone with a stand-alone travel brand looking to increase visibility and “shareability” online. Get found @: Pinterest Leveraging the...